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In my book, Your Higher Vision ~ Source’s Ultimate Guide for Ascension, I wrote about an incident that happened in my homeland, Thailand, in 2018 that shows the benefits of practicing meditation every day.

It made international news for several weeks and was still the most-talked-about story for months to come. I’m sure most of you have heard about it. It was about the 12 young soccer players and their coach that were trapped for many days two and a half miles inside a cave, “Than Luang Nang Non,” in northern Thailand.

This extraordinary situation received attention from people all over the world. Media all over the glove covered the story 24/7. We all had the same intention during that time, and that intention was to find them and find them alive. We were not sure if that would be the case then. This became a focus of people worldwide. Different experts from everywhere wanted to do what they could do and help with their expertise. Ninety divers from 22 countries became involved, tens of thousands of people with different expertise pulled together as one unit.

This event impacted humanity and demonstrated the beauty of cooperation within humankind that brought out the best in one another. I would also like to bring to your attention how meditation relates to the story’s outcome by using this event as an example. I want to show you how much meditation benefited those 13 people in the cave.

The coach handled the situation amazingly well, and he utilized meditation skills he learned during his childhood while being raised by Buddhist monks. The coach taught the boys mediation techniques that helped them to endure this life-threatening crisis. As the boys meditated during their extended stay in the cave, they were able to stay calm. That allowed them to conserve the energy needed to sustain themselves for the deprivation they experienced during their long confinement.

Meditation lessens their fear while trapped in the pitch-black environment, and that prevents them from panicking. They had no food and could only drink cave water to survive. Mediation was also beneficial for controlling their hunger. The coach helped them get through this crisis with what he knew, and what he knew happened to be the most valuable knowledge that one can have.

From my personal experience with Vipassana Meditation, I can relate to how the coach successfully assisted them with his skill by helping them learn how to tap into the altered state of consciousness and ultimately have the control they needed during the major crisis.

The goal was to locate these 12 boys and their coach. Thousands of people became involved from all over the world. Everybody focused on one goal and united as one during that time. The rescuers weren’t sure if the soccer team and their coach would be alive when they found them. All thirteen people had the strength that was needed to overcome their desperate situation. The 13 people survived and made it out of the cave! So, the impossible mission was possible for the first time in human history.

This event demonstrates a considerable team effort that led to success. Every team put everything they had into searching and rescuing. But if the boys and their coach could not have cooperated by handling the significant crisis inflow, you can imagine how the process of getting them out would have turned out instead.

Imagine how difficult the situation was even for the highly skilled drivers to dive in treacherous conditions. The boys had no skills, some couldn’t even swim, and they only received basic training from the diver team. What the boys needed to do was to stay calm the entire time underwater and trust the process. They did!

Let’s be realistic! Would they have survived if they did not have a chance to learn meditation and practice calmness during those 9 days in a pitch dark cave with their coach? Just one wrong move would have made the crisis even worse. It was a good thing that a combination of meditation skills and anti-anxiety drugs helped them exit the cave for the rescue to be successful. And boy! They all were heroes! I take my hat off and bow to all that were involved in the recovery.

This story is an excellent example of how mediation can help control one’s state of mind in any situation. This time it kept them alive and well. Now that you’ve got a practical example of the benefits of practicing meditation are inspired to meditate more now? I believe so! See if you can make it your daily priority.