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How can I tell if I would benefit from Ascension Support?

  • Have you been thinking lately that there is more to your life than what you are living? 
  • That there is something you feel like you should be a part of but aren’t? 
  • Do you feel lost on your journey? 
  • Are you are looking for comfort and validation as you are awakening to living your lives’ purpose?

How would I know if I would benefit from Ascension Support? A lot more is happening in life than you are aware of.  Just because you are not aware that things exist does not mean that they don’t exist.  What you are looking for is not tangible.  No material things or titles can give you true satisfaction.  There is something inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover It is the ultimate, the absolute, the simple abundance in you!

You are a part of the universe, and the universe joyfully takes partnership in your journey.  It has been scientifically proven that energy is everywhere and in everything, which means the universe is in you as you are in the universe.  We have not been taught to see things from this perspective, and that’s all.

Many of my clients have reached their hype of success in life and still feel like something is missing.  Yes, you can meet society’s standards, and if you do not evolve spiritually, success does not add to your standard.

What you are seeking may not fit societal norms.  So it might not be easy to find or readily available.  You may need support from someone in your inner circle or outer circle to help you find that absolute, the simple abundance of love, peace, joy, and harmony that you must claim and own.

Meditate and listen to your inner voice and tap into your inner knowing.  Your Higher Self loves you and always has your best interest in mind.  Listen, and you will hear.  Live your life based on your standard of simple abundance and free your cluttered mind.

Believe in yourself and trust what you know.  Let your wisdom guides you.  Let someone who has much knowledge guides you.  We are here to be of service to one another, and the much-needed service for us all right now is to help one another ascend.

We all are here to help raise the vibration of the entire Earth.  Make sure you take your responsibility to increase yours.  It does not matter what level of consciousness, but the individual is opening to the Source’s vibration (or the heart center).  We welcome everyone to ascend with us and collectively raise the vibration of the entire Earth.  And this is so!