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Why do some people seem so happy, loving, and calm all the time while you are living in stress and struggle to cope?  If you are living with only small pockets of joy, excitement, and a sense of peace don’t worry.  With a few changes to your perspective, you can live happily ever after – starting now.  It’s not hard.  It just takes conscious effort.

1. Decide to be Happy:

This is a conscious decision to do whatever work is necessary to change your mindset and perspective on life to live happier.  Accept the possibility of being happy no matter what your current circumstances and life situation are

2. Stop Judging yourself and others:

Life is not a contest so stop judging yourself and comparing yourself to others right now!  Put a rubber band on your wrist and snap each time you feel “here comes the judge” and redirect your mind to one of acceptance and love.  We are all learning, growing, and being challenged so cut yourself and others some slack. We are all unique and that uniqueness is the different notes that create the great symphony of our society.

3. Mind your words:

Keep saying it long enough and you will manifest it so be careful what you say and how you say it.  As you say more positive things, that is how you will perceive your life and that is what the world will give you.  We all say negative things from time to time but try saying at least 3 positive things for each negative one that you say and watch your luck turn around.

4. Develop a sense of humor:

If you don’t naturally have one, find funny friends and laugh away.  Watch some very funny comedies on TV or the internet.  Post funny things.  When you see an impossibly silly situation find the humor in it. Most importantly, laugh at yourself.

5. Pray, meditate, or sleep on it:

If you have a problem that you can’t solve or has you too caught up to be productive, pray or meditate on it or even shelve it until you’ve had a chance to sleep on it and then address it from a more positive perspective.  You’ll see it differently.  If you can’t solve it yourself, reach out and ask for help.

6. Offer to help, Ask for help:

Building a network takes effort.  Offer help to those who need it and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.  Always be grateful and gracious.  Being useful to others makes us feel needed and connected.  Knowing we have people we can rely on makes us feel more secure.  Start offering help to others and asking for their help.  They need to feel valued as well.

7. Look at everything with a good eye:

This takes practice so start right away.  No need to be extreme (this isn’t about deluding yourself) but try to see at least one or two good things in each situation.  Give people the benefit of the doubt.  I have a friend who finds something positive or pardonable in every situation.  She is a joy to be around.

8. Don’t dwell in the past, don’t worry about the future:

The past is gone, with all the decisions we’ve made, the good and bad, the people we spent too much time with and those with whom we didn’t spend enough.  It is our history, not our present, and certainly not our future.  The “would have, could have, should have” club is a very sad place.  Stay out!  Keep the good memories and valuable lessons learned and throw out the rest. The future hasn’t even happened yet and only happens moment to moment anyway.  As a child, I never imagined that we would walk around holding a phone that is also a camera, appointment/contact book, alarm clock, and computer.  I’ve changed careers several times in my life – who could have predicted? Worrying about the future is paying interest on a loan you haven’t taken out.  Planning for it is prudent but know that you really can’t control it. Focus on today, and what you are doing now.  The future will shape itself accordingly.

If you try one thing per day for 8 days, you will see your life start to turn around.  Getting into your highest vibration takes conscious effort but what felt normal (surviving) quickly becomes abnormal and the new normal will be thriving.  You can and should be happy so start today.