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I asked Source of Knowledge during one of my Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions about how we would describe the meaning of the New Earth to anyone who has no concept of it.  Source said, “It is the Earth without evil!” I’m fully aware of the meaning of this and very much looking forward to the manifestation of the New Earth’s vibration that fills with love, peace, joy, and harmony without evils.

We can create those feelings in our hearts and when we do, we manifest the beautiful reality for all who are involved. It is so obvious that Love will override any fear or hatred. Peace will dissolve war (the battle, conflict within self). Joy will eliminate sadness. Harmony will end disharmony.

We must have a conscious awareness of what we think and believe. Because thoughts become words, words become actions and actions become our characters. We are what we believe. We can start creating the feeling of being in the New Earth to start up the new way of life.

Having an awareness of the choice of living life in the high vibrations will definitely end the conflict. The New Earth will birth much sooner when we take part in the creation.

Mother Earth, Gaia has two consciousnesses now. One of her consciousness carries the low vibration of the old earth that humans have been creating in her and we are here to witness the change that is needed. We also have the opportunity to shift the energy to be a part of her other consciousness of the New Earth. We start it from our hearts which will align with her New Earth high frequency.

The new consciousness can also be created collectively among us by choice with the feeling of the being of love, peace, joy and harmony. The choice is yours! The choice is ours! It is a very important choice indeed. Choose wisely. Choose what you want to have and create it at will. Every thought that the heart accepts becomes an emotion. Emotion turns into feeling and your feelings manifest experiences in your reality. Enjoy your ability to take part in creating the New Earth as Gaia is doing her job and you can do yours!