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We instinctually gravitate towards certain behaviors that allow us to thrive on Earth. Although our intuition has been dulled by several factors (like societal norms, social pressures, and political agendas) we still hold a strong connection to our inner wisdom.

We face daily decisions that shape our reality. However, we are designed for endless growth, always have new desires, and seek constant expansion.  Sadly, it is easy to get caught up in the noise of the world and forget about our internal guidance system.

What it Means to Be Human

More than skin and bones, we are powerful creators who are born with innate wisdom. Some call it God, others call it Source Energy, the Universe, or simply the Divine. Without a doubt, there’s something much greater happening alongside our individual human experience.

There’s a collective consciousness that goes beyond our worldly perceptions. We all possess divine energy that constantly guides us. Our higher self, inner self, inner wisdom, or whatever people choose to call it holds a broader perspective that we sometimes don’t see as we focus on our current reality.

When we listen to our inner guidance system, we make decisions that help us bloom. However, when we are caught up in our cluttered brain, decision-making becomes difficult and we often take actions based on fear, worry, frustration, and other lower vibrations.

Human beings hold endless dreams, creations, imagination, and manifestations. When you are in tune with your higher/inner self, you can take inspired actions that lead to magical serendipitous events. It is when you take intuitive action that you truly enjoy the ride.

Tapping into Your Intuition

When you consciously listen to your intuition, you begin to create your reality deliberately instead of reacting to circumstances that seem out of your control.

Being integrated with your physical and higher (non-physical) self is the key to living life consciously, which happens to be the most fun!

Our creativity flows when we are “in the zone.” That’s when creating our reality becomes effortless and satisfying. To reach this level of alignment at any particular moment, we must be in a receptive mode. We must feel ease, trust in life, hopefulness, joy.

Good decisions are never made through fear and worry.  Quieting our minds is key to processing our reality and world in a healthy way. Daily meditation is one of the best tools for getting into alignment. Those who make meditation an important part of their morning routine report feeling balanced throughout the day.  Midday meditation is great for getting an energy boost and getting clarity during more chaotic moments.  Evening meditation is perfect for letting your mind process the day’s events and getting a good night’s sleep.

When we feel gratitude and appreciation, we become aligned with who we truly are. This is truly transformative and reframes everything that is happening around us.

Unpleasant emotions are designed to help us figure out what we don’t want and to create new desires. However, we must move to a place of higher emotions where we can receive the signals from our higher selves that point us in the direction of growth…evolution.

Before taking any action, be sure you come from a place of alignment, satisfaction, self-awareness, appreciation, clarity, joy, ease. The moment you are connected to your higher self is when you feel your best and that’s the time to take any action.

You can see that some people thrive effortlessly while others have made their life a struggle. Children and animals serve as good examples of being connected to their higher selves. They help us remember our true nature, our desire to frolic and be fearless, to simply feel good.

Children can imagine without limitations and have an enormous supply of hopefulness. Feeling good automatically puts you in the receiving mode, where you can clearly see the next best step.

To tap into your intuition, practice staying in high-level emotions. Find anything you can appreciate, be grateful even if just for the breath that comes in and out of you. Life is supposed to feel good and when appreciation is part of your daily practice, it becomes easy to take conscious actions that lead you to manifest a joyous reality.

What Influence Are You Under?  

Break the awful spell of dissatisfaction and practice feeling good, it is that simple! Make it a priority to focus daily on your emotions. Find things you can appreciate such as nature, your dog, a beautiful tree, anything at all that puts you into the receptive mode.  Let every action come from this place of effortless clarity.

Your eagerness and enthusiasm will allow you to feel a spark of inspiration that will undoubtedly lead you to the best action. When intuitive actions are the only kind you allow in your life, you will see an amazing transformation.